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 Piano Lessons!



Guelph, Ontario, Canada : Area Teachers

W. Aline Gagne


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Location of Teaching: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Instruments Taught: Piano Lessons, Tuning and Repair.

Times Available: Private lessons - Tuesdays to Thursdays. Evenings or Daytime. Children's classes Sat Morning in fall only. All tunings by appointment.

Rates: $18.00 per Half Hour (Private Lessons). $12.00 per Hour (Children's Classes). $90.00 - Flat rate for tuning.

Educational Background: Grade Ten Royal Conservatory of Music, former Kindermusik studio owner,licensed Musikgarten teacher. Diploma Piano Technician. E.C.E. studies, specialist in Children's Education and Adult Beginners.

Experience: Over 25 years of experience. Experience in Tuning and Repair, including regulation of pianos.

Additional: Please call or email for lesson time reservation. Fall Registration for lessons begins now, summer lesson times are still available. Children's music classes, ages 0-9 are Saturday mornings in the fall. Maximum number of five per class.

Member Number: 1155

Beginning Date: 7/28/04

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